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Marie Hamm Inspired
Mercury Retrograde for August 2024
This is an interesting Mercury retrograde, because our little speed demon will start moving backward in the sign of Virgo and then, on August 13, return to Leo’s fiery domain. So, in a sense, this is a retrograde in two acts.
For the first half of Mercury retrograde (from August 5 to August 13), Mercury will be cruising through Virgo. Under normal circumstances, Mercury in Virgo is the master of organization, clarity, and thoughtful communication; it’s the meticulous editor that makes sure every “i” is dotted and every “t” is crossed. But during this retrograde period, those finely tuned skills can go awry, exposing the darker sides of perfection and analysis. Virgo’s usual gift for efficiency might morph into obsessive overthinking and nitpicking, leading to unnecessary stress and miscommunication. Routine tasks might feel like Herculean efforts, and the desire for everything to be just right could totally backfire, causing more chaos than calm.
And just when you think you’re getting a grasp on this type of energy, the rug is pulled out yet again. On August 13, Mercury slips back into Leo, where it will roar (or maybe yelp?) for the remainder of retrograde (and, when direct, until September 9). Leo, with its vibrant and theatrical nature, thrives on creativity and self-expression. Likewise, Mercury in Leo is all about grand gestures, bold declarations, and fearless creativity. However, when retrograde, this expressive energy can lead to over-the-top drama and miscommunication that is truly larger than life. Instead of clear and confident communication, expect misinterpreted messages, mixed signals, and ego clashes. That’s right, friends, get ready for inflated conflicts and emotional flare-ups over perceived slights. The retrograde period might make us all feel like we’re trapped inside of a soap opera, complete with dramatic exits, impassioned speeches, and over-the-top meltdowns.
Mercury Retrograde Effects by Zodiac Sign
Thank you to the Farmer's Almanac for this information.
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